Enhancing Data Structure Efficiency in Go: Mastering Memory Alignment and Padding

Developing Go apps that are efficient requires a thorough understanding of memory layout for data structures, especially when processing large datasets or interacting with hardware. This information allows for considerable optimisations that improve application performance and memory use. The article explores the nuances of memory alignment and padding in Go structures, explaining their functions and offering methods to maximise the effectiveness of data structure layouts.

Radhakishan Surwase
Level Up Coding


Image created by OpenAI’s DALL·E.

The Essence of Memory Alignment

Memory alignment is a pivotal concept in Go concerning the arrangement of struct fields in memory. Its primary aim is to store data in memory addresses that align with the data type’s size, optimising CPU access. For example, an int64-type variable ideally resides on an 8-byte boundary, facilitating its swift read/write operations by the CPU, which is integral for bolstering performance.

Padding: Ensuring Proper Alignment

To adhere to alignment requisites, Go compilers may introduce padding — aadditional space between struct fields. This intervention guarantees that each field commences at an address that satisfies its alignment needs. Although essential for alignment and thereby optimising memory access patterns, padding, if not judiciously managed, can inflate the memory footprint of structures.

Illustrating Alignment and Padding

Consider a struct with varied type fields:

type Example struct {
A bool // 1 byte
B float64 // 8 bytes
C int32 // 4 bytes

The memory layout for this struct, including padding for alignment, could be visualized as follows:

  • A (bool, 1 byte) followed by 7 bytes of padding to align B.
  • B (float64, 8 bytes) aligned on an 8-byte boundary.
  • C (int32, 4 bytes) with 4 bytes of padding at the end to maintain the alignment for an array of Example structs.int.
Example — Image by Author

Streamlining Struct Layouts

A powerful technique for reducing the memory usage of structs is to arrange fields in decreasing size order. By minimising padding, this method significantly reduces the size of the struct overall. An arrangement that uses less memory is produced by rearranging the Example struct according to size:

type ExampleOptimized struct {
B float64 // 8 bytes
C int32 // 4 bytes
A bool // 1 byte

This configuration decreases the struct’s size by diminishing the requisite padding for alignment compliance. The optimised memory layout minimises padding:

  • B (float64, 8 bytes) is placed first to align on an 8-byte boundary.
  • C (int32, 4 bytes) follows B directly.
  • A (bool, 1 byte) follows C, with 3 bytes of padding added at the end to align the struct size to a multiple of 8, optimising for an array of ExampleOptimized structs.
ExampleOptimized — Image by Author

Let’s execute the code

To demonstrate the memory usage of the original Example struct and the optimised ExampleOptimized struct in Go, you can write a program that utilize the unsafe package to measure and compare the sizes of both structs. Below is a simple Go program that does just that:

package main

import (

// Original struct with potential for padding
type Example struct {
A bool // 1 byte
B float64 // 8 bytes
C int32 // 4 bytes

// Optimized struct with minimized padding
type ExampleOptimized struct {
B float64 // 8 bytes
C int32 // 4 bytes
A bool // 1 byte

func main() {
// Create instances of each struct
example := Example{}
exampleOptimized := ExampleOptimized{}

// Display the sizes of each struct
fmt.Printf("Size of Example struct: %d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(example))
fmt.Printf("Size of ExampleOptimized struct: %d bytes\n", unsafe.Sizeof(exampleOptimized))

This program defines both the Example and ExampleOptimized structs as described earlier. It then creates an instance of each and uses the unsafe.Sizeof function to print out the size in bytes of each instance.

Note: The unsafe package is used here for educational purposes to demonstrate the concept of memory alignment and padding. It provides low-level programming features that should be used with caution, as the name suggests. In production code, relying on unsafe can be risky and is generally discouraged unless absolutely necessary, as it can lead to code that is dependent on specific compiler and architecture characteristics.

When you run this program, you’ll see the memory usage of each struct printed to the console, illustrating the effect of struct field arrangement on memory footprint. The optimised version should generally consume less memory due to reduced padding, as discussed earlier.

Practical Insights and Recommendations

Although memory alignment and padding may appear small, they have a significant impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of Go applications. Through proficiency in the Go compiler’s memory organisation and the use of strategies to optimise struct layouts, programmers can write code that is more effective and smooth. Important procedures consist of:

  • Field Ordering: Prioritise arranging struct fields from the largest to the smallest to lessen padding.
  • Type Selection: Opt for the smallest data types capable of representing your data, reducing the struct’s memory demands.
  • Composition: Employ embedding and composition judiciously for creating compact, efficient data structures, further optimising memory usage through logical data organisation.


Memory alignment and padding are not just cosmetics; they are fundamental components that can greatly improve Go applications’ memory efficiency and performance. Go’s overall philosophy of simplicity and performance can be aligned with by developers that optimise their applications for speed and efficiency by intelligently allocating struct fields and utilising Go’s memory management techniques.

Happy Learning 😃



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